When it comes to optimizing the performance of web sites or web stores, web analytic tools are first step. Insight into web visitors, sources of traffic, popular content and exit rates are among the most important key performance indicators (KPI), but to understand the visitors, companies need to dig deeper. Having the right analytics tool is key to gathering web intelligence.
An investigation by TechCrunch showed that among the top 10,000 websites 55% are using Google Analytics. When considering only the Fortune 500 companies, 51% are using Google Analytics, according to a post by e-nor. The investigation also showed that some companies use more than one tracking tool.
The Fortune 500 companies use these tracking tools:
- 51.0 % Google Analytics
- 25.8% Adobe Digital MarketinG Suite
- 16.22% WebTrends
- 15.6% Other (Woopra, Piwik,Mixpanel, Open Web Analytics, Clicky…)
- 5.8% IBM
According to e-nor, Google has strengthened its market share as it was only present in 45% of the Fortune 500 companies in 2011.