Allen is CMO at The Pulse Network, and a noted entrepreneur and industry watcher with 20 years of experience in online marketing, CRM, and e-commerce. Allen helps Pulse clients evolve their digital marketing and business strategies to include video content and social media campaigns, and is a frequent speaker at industry and online events. Prior to joining The Pulse Network, he was co-founder and CMO at venture-funded social marketing tools company Offerpop, and was CMO and SVP of strategic services at eVergance, which was acquired by KANA Software in 2007. He has also held positions in the Media & Entertainment practice at McKinsey, started the Internet Computing practice at Yankee Group, and began his career in corporate R&D in the telecom space. He has been a guest on CNBC, Fox News and PBS television, hosts a weekly marketing show on The Pulse Network, and blogs (when he has time) for 1to1Media, Social Times and WOMMA. Allen holds a BS from Worcester Polytechnic Institute with high honors, and an MS from the University of Virginia.
Allen will be speaking at the Inbound Marketing Summit in Boston October 23-24
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