GlobalView is a proprietary collections of webtools designed by GlobalWare
to enhance the dissemination of information, the tracking of orders and products through our systems and management
of returned goods. By accessing this website or using an application
programming interface (API), our customers and business partners track, report, inquire,
create, and execute orders. GlobalWare's Internet and Intranet tools provide a true end-to-end solution.
You must be a registered user to take advantage of this exciting technology. Please contact your Account Manager and we'll set you up!
Info |
ProductTracTM |
| Distribution/fulfillment/tracking of orders. Includes a robust reporting library.
InfoTracTM |
| Bulletin Board for posting any information that needs to be shared by two or more parties or organizations as BOMs and forecasts.
| Return Material Authorization Sytem - application allows clients to enter the system 24 hours a day, seven days a week from anywhere in the world.
DataShareTM |
| File Library Centralized File Repository/Database - partner accessible.
| Bindco On-Line Data