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BOLDtm | E-Linktm


DataSharetm - File Library/Database

GlobalWare Solutions uses Inso's MediaBank Data Management System to create a centralized file repository of manufacturing ready files accessible by GlobalWare and its domestic and international partners. Once customer files have been through the preflight process and are manufacturing ready, GlobalWare stores the files in the database. Features in the database include time tracking, file duplication and rev control. GlobalWare Solutions manages the internal production process with an intranet application interfacing with the database, and GlobalWare's partners are allowed access to specific shared customer files through usage of a secured Internet interface.

The centralized file repository facilitates simultaneous international product releases and reduces cost from the process for both customers and vendors. Costs are reduced through only one set of files sent by and proofed by the customer and minimization of duplicate vendor preflight processes. Quality is not compromised, as the files are print ready once stored in the database, ensuring consistent output on the variety of output devices at GlobalWare Solutons or its partners.

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