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Links to the Applications for GlobalWare West Clients
BOLDtm | E-Linktm


ProductTractm Distribution Ordering System

ProductTractm Distribution Ordering System allows GlobalWare customers and their clients the ability to place orders for complete products located in physical or virtual inventory. This application offers a centralized database of orders with the functionality to place, hold, release and check order status. The database order information is input from a variety of sources, which can include individual consumers, imported files such as 800#, internal sales orders and EDI orders.

An application-programming interface (API) can easily be developed to allow an end user to log into a web page designated by our customer that will link directly to the appropriate screens within this application. Additionally, these screens can be modified and customized to accommodate logos, graphics and unique fields.

This tool also provides an on-line, real time order tracking system. With the simple click of a mouse, you can access your secure traffic database to verify all shipments of your product. Customized reporting features allow customers to manage their business with great flexibility.

Our unique program is hot linked to every major carrier's tracking software so that you are able to instantly check on the progress of every order. No more lost time making phone calls and waiting for hard copy faxed proof of deliveries. Get the information you need on demand, on line, when you need it. Application Programming Interfaces (API's) can also be created to allow information to flow between TotalTractm and other web pages or applications.

The powerful features of this tool give customers the ability to access real time information and status of orders that have been fulfilled and shipped. Together, these web-based tools provide customers with complete visibility, access and control of all orders throughout the entire process.

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