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Links to the Applications for GlobalWare West Clients
BOLDtm | E-Linktm


BOLDtm - Bindco On-Line Data:

When you outsource your Production and Fulfillment to GlobalWare Solutions, you can also receive a unique service that delivers what companies can no longer do without: A real-time data query system. We call this system BOLDtm (GlobalWare West On-Line Data) as a reminder of how valuable and highly visible your business is to us.

Leveraging the power of the Internet and our in-house systems, GlobalWare has developed a user-friendly and secure service offering that satisfies your need for:

  • Increased Operational Control and Visibility; Think of it as a window into your operations facility.
  • Real-time information on order status, tracking numbers and confirmations.
  • Reduced customer support costs via a "Pass Through" service model, where your major customers and partners can have direct access to query their information.
  • On-demand reports that can be customized and downloaded from our system into your own reporting tool (e.g., Crystal Reports, Excel, SQL).
  • Multi-tiered authentication and verification process, to prevent unauthorized access to your corporate data.
  • On-Line hotlinks for "Proof of Deliveries." Hypertext links to major delivery carriers to check on shipment information.

The Report Navigator
Within BOLDtm is a mechanism that allows the user to design, print and download reports. The Report Navigator offers a look into any type of order information required, such as Open Order Status, Shipping Confirmation and Inventory Information.

As shown above, by choosing specific Report Parameters, one can control the focus of the report and what it will display. As a query is executed, the results of the search are displayed real-time. Once the user has what they need, they simply press the "Save Results" button and BOLDtm delivers the report to their desktop for direct import into their favorite reporting software.

GlobalWare Solutions. GlobalView 2-00

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